Les Dames Nashville (LDN) 2021 Board Meeting Minutes

January 6th Meeting Minutes (click to view)

2015 – 2016

Les Dames Nashville (LDN) Board meeting Minutes
Dec. 5, 2016

The officers and board of LDN met at 8:30 am at Whole Foods Green Hills on Dec. 5, 2016 to discuss our chapter’s scholarship initiatives and future fundraising.

Present were Sylvia Ganier, Nancy Vienneau, Merijoy Rucker, Billie Joyce Helmkay, and Anne Byrn.

Absent were Erin Murray, Emily Frith, and Marylou Tate. (Anne Byrn had obtained proxy permission from the absentees ahead of the meeting if needed in voting.)

AB called the meeting to order and moved to forgo the usual agenda, dispense reading of minutes, treasurers report, etc. and discuss just New Business. Motion was seconded by Merijoy Rucker and all were in favor.

New Business discussed:

1. Nancy Vienneau presented the Scholarship Committee Report. Committee members are Dina Starks, Marylou Tate, Tallu Quinn, Michelle Hodges, Susan Gillituk, Tally May, and Sarah Worley.

NV presented a three-prong approach for our LDN Scholarship initiatives.

* Paying for tools such as knives needed by culinary students. Marylou Tate is creating an application form for this aid.

* Funding continuing education for women in culinary and wine fields. This might include small local educational efforts, possibly supporting the refugee farming efforts, or paying for eduction pursued in the private sector, such as Johnson & Wales or the French Culinary Academy. Tallu Quinn is writing the criteria for this initiative.

* Mayor Barry’s Opportunity Now internships the summer of 2017. Dina Starks is working on this initiative.

NV says she hopes to have all application forms ready by the first of the year.

Sylvia suggested we look into partnership/help from Wusthof Knives, who are an LDEI sponsor. Billie suggested we look into other equipment deals, such as Cuisinarts.

The Scholarship Committee’s work was enthusiastically approved by all. Thank you!

2. Where to place monies raised at the Tour de Farm 2017

After much discussion on how to best support all of our scholarship efforts as well as wholeheartedly support Mayor Barry’s Opportunity Now, the board approved the following by unanimous vote:

70 percent of the monies raised at Tour de Farm 2017 will go to the Mayor’s Opportunity Now, as long as ON supports the mission of LDN. (This was thoughtfully considered, looking at our mission statement to educate and mentor other women. As this is the first year for our fundraiser and the first year for the Mayor’s Initiative, and in addition, we are unsure of our role in selecting the candidates we felt this was prudent.)

30 percent of the monies raised will go into a scholarship fund to not only seed next year’s Tour de Farm but also support other scholarship initiatives. (We also discussed other fundraising events that will be held in 2017, and we decided that each one will be handled individually when it comes to scholarship allocation).

3. Coordination of Committee Efforts in Raising Monies for LDN

The Board applauded the efforts of the Green Tables Committee in establishing the first Tour de Farm 2017. Thinking ahead as our chapter grows, the Board discussed the need to keep chapter fundraisers organized, well attended, well supported, and successful. But we discussed it is also important to our chapter to have healthy, active committees where creativity is alive and committees generate new and exciting ideas. And, lastly, fundraising needs to align with our scholarship initiatives. Out of discussion came the following motion, which shall be one of our standing rules:

Merijoy moved that all funds raised (fundraisers) by any LDN committee must be approved by board vote and the allocation of these funds must be in keeping with the scholarship committee initiatives for the year. It was seconded and approved by all.

4. Sylvia announced that singer/songwriter Daryl Scott will entertain at the Tour de Farm 2017. And AB announced that Maneet Chahuan is on board to do the farm dinner. No details have been set as to entertainment or dinner as of now.

The last order of business before we adjourned and bid Sylvia farewell and best wishes as she has surgery next week, was to create a Board Liaison position for Tasha Kennard who will connect us to Metro Nashville government. Sylvia moved, and Merijoy seconded this motion, and Tasha will be asked to fill this position and attend board meetings in 2017.

Meeting adjourned at 9:30 am.

Respectfully submitted,

Anne Byrn, President

(For Marylou Tate, Secretary)


Les Dames Nashville Board Meeting Minutes
February 5, 2016
10 AM

Green Door Gourmet
7011 River Rd Pike Nashville, Tennessee 37209

Present at Meeting: Anne Byrn, Mindy Merrell, Sylvia Garnier, Billie Joyce, Marylou Tate Absent from Meeting: Jessica, Collins, Merijoy Rucker, Nancy Knoepfel

The regular meeting of the Board of LDEI was called to order at 10:10 AM on February 5, 2016 at Green Door Gourmet by Anne Byrn.

I. Approval of Agenda

The agenda for the meeting was distributed and unanimously approved.

II. Review of Previous Minutes

The minutes of the previous meeting were reviewed and unanimously approved.

III. Consideration of Open Issues

1. Chapter Insurance Anne Byrn

LDEI National has advised each local chapter to purchase a $2 million liability policy. National uses Philadelphia Insurance Company. Their local representative’s policy would cost $1500.00. Suggestions made to seek other options.

2. Membership Anne Byrn

Board discussed need to create committee to collect and vet new members to present to the membership. Nancy Vienneau nominated to chair the committee. Other members would be contacted to be on the committee. (Maneet, Paulette and Anne or Merijoy representing the board)

3. Scholarship Committee Anne Byrn

Current chair (Deana Starks) unable to continue in this capacity, but will remain on committee. Marylou Tate recommended and accepted chair. Other members recommended to committee include Billy Joyce and Viviana Lusan. Requirements and information needs to be determined and available online.

4. Nominating Committee

Anne Byrn
Committee includes chair, Mindy Merrell, presidential representation (either Anne or Merijoy),Cynthia Himmelfarb and Emily Frith. Nominations from membership will be requested via eblast by April 15, 2016 and will meet before June 1, 2016 to determine slate to be presented to membership at annual meeting.

  1. Treasurer’s Report Billie JoyceBalance as of February 5, 2016 is $7,157.28. Outstanding debts: $200 to GooGoo for last event. Balance includes deposit of $481.75 from Sylvia Ganier event. Anticipated expense: $20.00 for TN business license due April1, 2016.

  2. Committee Reports Anne ByrnSee attached list of proposed programs from Program Committee’s January 29, 2016 meeting.

  3. Name Tages Anne ByrnDiscussion of membership nametags. Sylvia Ganier will create temporary nametags for all members. Permanent nametag discussion tabled to a future date.IV. Agenda and Time of Next Meeting

The next meeting will be held at 5:30 PM on March 28, 2016 at: Before Next Membership Meeting,

The agenda for the next meeting is as follows: TBD

The meeting was adjourned at 11:50 AM by Anne Byrn. Minutes submitted by: Marylou Tate
Minutes approved by:

Les Dames Nashville Board Meeting MinutesNovember 30, 2015

The officers and board of the Nashville Les Dames chapter met at the Randy Rayburn School of Culinary Arts, Nashville State Community College. Present were Mindy Merrell, Billie Joyce Helmkay, Nancy Knoepfel, Marylou Tate, Anne Byrn, and Jessica Collins.

Welcome: Vice-president Anne Byrn called the meeting to order. President Merijoy Rucker was not present, and her president’s report will be sent to the membership in December.

Treasurer’s Report: Billie reported that our 501C3 and tax-exempt status is complete. We have $6275.77 in our checking account. Billie just mailed $340 to LDEI for member dues. Our membership total is 38.

Committee Reports:

1. Program committee. Anne Byrn updated the board on the January 11 event at the Goo Goo Shop downtown. Beth Sachan is hosting this event, and we are seeking wine and food donations. The invitation will go to the membership in December. There will be wine and small bites as well as a demo from Goo Goo’s pastry chef on how she makes the premium Goo Goos. This is a member meeting, not open to the public. We will formally introduce our four new members at this meeting.

In addition, there will be a spring event, in March, which will either be a East Walk Nashville tour or a bourbon tasting. Stay tuned for more details.

Anne, Beth, and Erin Murray are on the program committee. They are also planning a charitable function at the Nashville Food Project. Nancy K. mentioned we should try to work with Second Harvest also and possibly have cooking classes at the Farmer’s Market.

2. Communications committee. Mindy Merrell reported that January Quarterly information was sent for the magazine. She welcomes help on the website and also with social media.

The board approved sending Nancy K. to the Rise fundraiser event for the Nashville Food Project to photograph our members who are participating.

New Business:

We are in need of a volunteer member to take on building our Archives. This would be a data base for our chapter of all meeting minutes, events, etc.

The board discussed the best time to hold biannual meetings. We decided it might be best to hold in June versus August for best turnout.

There was a motion to adjourn the meeting. It was seconded and approved.

Respectfully submitted,

Jessica Collins, secretary

Les Dames Nashville Board Meeting Minutes
August 10, 2015

The annual meeting of Les Dames Nashville was held at the Nashville Farmer’s Market on Aug. 10, 2015. The meeting was called to order by President Nancy Knoepfel at 6:30 pm.

Nancy Knoepfel began talking about the scholarship committee.  Our chapter does not have enough money to give away yet. She said we should focus on the mission of our chapter. Nashville is the 30th chapter of Les Dames with 5 more chapters to be initiated this year. Nancy thanked Tasha Kennard for hosting us at the Farmer’s Market.

Jessica Collins filled in for Secretary Charlotte —, who was absent. Jessica called roll. Quorum was met.

Treasurer Billie Joyce Helmkay gave her report. We have $2124.24 in the bank. The City Winery event brought in $105, and we collected $1000 in dues. The report was approved.

New Business: The introduction of new members at a later meeting. The Board of directors discussed their roles. Monthly board meetings are held usually before the regular group meeting.

The Slate of Officers was presented. There was a motion to accept, and there was a call for a vote. The slate of officers was accepted unanimously.

Committee Reports:

The Green tables committee shared that David Shields, the author of “Southern Provisions” will speak at a October fundraiser.

The Scholarship committee hopes to give $1000 away this year.

The Fundraising committee wants to coordinate with the Farmer’s Market to offer classes. There was a motion to accept the committee reports, a motion to second. All approved.

Nancy called for a motion to adjourn. It was seconded, and approved. The meeting adjourn, and members enjoyed a barbecue dinner downstairs.

Respectfully submitted,

Jessica Collins