2016 Annual Meeting Set for August 3, Slate of Officers Announced
2016 Annual Meeting for Members Only
We are honored to announce that Mayor Megan Barry will be our keynote speaker at the annual meeting. A big thank you Dame Dawn Southworth for hosting the event at the Omni Hotel.
Wednesday, August 3
5:15 p.m.
250 5th Ave. S.
Mayor Megan Barry will address the group as our keynote, followed by our annual meeting to welcome new members and vote on next year's slate.
Annual dues of $125 are due August 3. Cost to attend the meeting is $25, which includes wine and heavy hors d'oeuvres. Bring your $150 check or cash to the meeting or send checks prior to the event made payable to:
Les Dames NashvillePO Box 120206Nashville, TN 37212
*You may pay by credit card for a nominal fee. Call Billie Joyce Helmkay for details.
The Nominating Committee announces the following slate for the Les Dames Nashville 2016/2017 Board of Directors, unanimously approved by the current board, to be voted on by the membership. If you cannot attend the meeting to vote, please submit a proxy form to Anne Byrn.
Slate for 2016/2017 Les Dames Nashville Board of Directors
OfficersAnne Byrn, PresidentSylvia Ganier, Vice PresidentBillie Joyce Helmkay,TreasurerMary Lou Tate, SecretaryAt-Large Directors Merijoy Lantz RuckerEmily FrithErin Byers MurrayNancy Vienneau